On-Going Battles

As 2022 ended, I was proud and happy about how far I reached and how I became stronger. I was planning to write a love letter kind of blog, disguised as if written for a certain someone special like a lover but is for myself. Admittedly, I had a rough end for 2021 and a start for 2022. But I pulled through 2022 and am now in 2023. What I didn’t know is that for 2023 I still am on God’s strong warriors' list. As most of my friends, relatives, and readers already know, I’ve been diagnosed to have Systemic Lupus Erythematosus last 2020 and have been cautiously and vigilantly living with it for the past 3 years hoping I can put the disease to sleep. On most days I forget that I have the disease but on certain days she doesn’t fail to remind me that she exists – “she” because my mom would call it my “twin”. Despite the rough start of 2022, I managed to be where I want to be and start to realize my dreams and aspirations slowly – I started residency training in Gener...