April 1st

April 1, 2021 – one of those where I question myself why am I in this profession. It’s Holy Thursday, a holiday and the roads are cleared off traffic. And yet I am on duty. Worse of all, it’s my mother’s birthday. The night prior, I’ve been brooding over the thought that I have to go on duty. Maybe because I’m also guilty of not preparing for the new department. Pediatrics was my first department during clerkship so my knowledge probably is not at its best. But as I started my day, I prayed fervently that the day would go well. I told my Dad about how anxious I was and he told me that most of the times what we fear won’t occur. And with a heavy heart I left our house and went on duty. The residents were really approachable and kind, and it gave me some sort of comfort that I somehow knew some of them. As I attended to one patient, as I was looking at the crying mother, I was reminded that I was once a pediatric patient and my parents had the same grief as the parent...