Independence Day

Today is June 12, 2022 – Independence Day for the Philippines, my beloved country. But I won’t be writing about the Philippines’ independence but rather about my independence. As some probably already know I have started my training in the department that I have been in love with since my 3 rd year in medical school. The plan to train was supposed to be at the end of this year. However, due to some circumstances, it has been moved to an earlier date. The said circumstance is my recent breakup. I know I’ve been going on and on about this for the 3 or 4 blog entries and I guess this will be the last one as I gain liberation from it. Three months ago, I decided to let go of a love that I held dear. It wasn’t much of a tough decision to make because it was the one that I was left with. But it was hard to stand by. Before March 12, I tried to let go multiple times but there were also multiple moments when I’d relapse. There were nights when I’d stay wide awake until ...