Bad Knee and Bad Days

A year ago, I took the physician’s licensure exam. I was planning to write a blog entry about how I conquered the exam and how I’ve been since then. But something unexpected happened last September 11, 2022, at exactly 10:47 AM. How did I know the exact time? Because I was due for an update on the status of our burn patient one floor down. As I got up and was heading for the wards my knee went jelly and I felt a shooting pain – my right knee got dislocated. It wasn’t the first time this happened. Almost 2 years ago, my knee also got dislocated but I quickly recovered and was able to walk by myself. I was told that having not-so-normal anatomy of my foot predisposes me to knee dislocation, so I was taught exercises to strengthen my inner thigh muscles. I did the exercises for a couple of months until I started feeling normal and eventually got so busy that I completely forgot them. This time though, I fell, and the dislocation was worse. I remembered being slow that m...