Better Shoes
Few years ago, my date for a Christmas Party gifted me with a pair high heels. Of course, I was delighted by the fact that the giver had thought of me. But unfortunately, he did not know I do not wear those that were more than 2-inches and definitely not those with cigarette heels. So sadly, I was not able to wear them to the party. To be precise, I never wore them out ever. I’ve always walked in a weird way. When I was younger I walked on my toes, I was teased quite a lot because of that. In an attempt to correct that, I made a conscious effort not to walk on my toes but then developed a new and probably a weirder way of walking - my weight now is placed on the lateral or the outer side of my foot, close to being club footed. I don’t get teased anymore, or rather, I don’t mind how people would think about how I walk. Sad thing though is that I can’t wear high heels. I love high heels. I don’t say it much, but I like looking at them. I find them pretty and women who walk co...